Rallio – Social Media for Franchises, Small & Local Business

Reputation Social

How to Engage Authentically With Your Social Media Followers

Social media growth is something most franchise brands, independent business owners and influencers are striving for, but it doesn’t come easy. It requires thought and effort. If you use social networking as simply a means to an end (aka sales) and not as a way to connect with your customers, you’ve failed. You need to work on building relationships with your customers. They will become your brand loyalists and help grow your brand organically. This article will lay down some simple tips on how you can engage authentically with your social media followers on Facebook and Instagram.

Why Engagement Matters

Engaging authentically with your social media followers is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it’s the only way to truly understand what your audience wants from you. Social media is an incredibly powerful tool for brands, but in order to use it effectively, you need to know how your audience interacts with your content.

Engaging with followers also allows you to build trust with them. People are more likely to follow brands if they feel like they’re being heard — and conversely, they’ll be less likely to follow if they don’t feel like their voices matter.

Lastly, engagement helps build your reputation as an expert in your field or industry. If people see that others are responding positively to your content or following your brand on social media, they’re more likely to check out what you have going on and give you a follow, too. Your reach can expand exponentially as more and more people engage with you and vice versa.

Related: 4 Big Reasons You Need Localized Social Media Content

Tips for Great Engagement

The way you engage with your followers on Facebook and Instagram is the most important part of your social media strategy. Yet engaging authentically is easy to say but hard to do. It’s a constant challenge because of all the noise on social media, especially if you have a business that relies on word-of-mouth recommendations.

The good news is that it’s not impossible to do well — even if you’re starting from scratch. Keep reading for all the tips you need.

1. Know your audience

The first step to engaging authentically is knowing the audience of each of your social media accounts. For example, if you have an Instagram account for your food truck, knowing that most of your followers are young professionals makes it easier to tailor content that appeals to them — such as pictures of healthy snacks or quotes about healthy eating habits — than it would be if most of them were foodies who enjoy eating fried chicken and potatoes (no judgments!).

2. Write great content

You can’t be effective at social media marketing unless you’re using it to provide value to your customers, and that means creating content that’s useful, interesting and engaging. But what does that mean? How do you write content that’s worth reading? How do you know if your content is working? Let’s explore some strategies for creating great social media posts that will encourage engagement and increase sales.

✔️ The best way to get people talking about your brand is by sharing relevant information that will interest them personally and professionally. If you’re a restaurant owner, show mouth-watering photos of your top dishes. If you’re a florist, share photos of your bridal arrangements for an upcoming wedding. The point is to make it personal to your brand so people will want to engage.

✔️ In most cases, use short sentences and paragraphs. People will be more likely to read your posts if they’re not too long or complicated. There can be exceptions, and sometimes, you may need more words to communicate something important — say, if you’re spotlighting a team member. In those cases, going longer can work to your advantage. But if you’re just sharing a photo of a favorite burrito, the image speaks for itself. Consider the content of the image or video you’re sharing to write your captions appropriately.

✔️ Use bullet points, numbered lists and emojis when appropriate, so readers can scan quickly scan your content and get the gist.

✔️ Use a combination of images, videos and links. Having a mix of content keeps things interesting for your audience.

3. Respond, and do it quickly

When it comes to social media engagement, responsiveness and speed are of the essence. The faster you respond to comments and messages, the more likely you will be to keep your followers happy and engaged. Note: Most customers expect a response to their social media posts within 24 hours.

Among the brands that do respond to customers on social media, research shows that most of them are doing a satisfactory job of answering their customers promptly. Beyond the speed of response, however, there’s another issue: Many complaints are never answered, according to Convince & Convert. The data is enough to have led C&C to create a formula for responding to customers: “Answer every customer complaint. In every channel. Every time.”

It’s not just complaints you need to mind, either. Messages, comments on your posts, reviews and more — whether positive, negative or neutral — all need a response or acknowledgment from you as the brand. Having a social media management platform like Rallio will allow you to pull all engagements into one dashboard so you never miss anything and can be responsive in real time. You can also make use of chatbots and auto-responses on your website and Messenger to let customers know answers to basic FAQ as well as when they can expect a response from you.

4. Be yourself

When you’re establishing a new brand or business page on social media, it can be tempting to try to be everything to everyone. You might start out posting about the things you love and then switch gears when you realize it’s not resonating with your audience. Or maybe you’re trying to be funny one day, then serious the next.

The problem is that this strategy will turn off some of your followers while leaving others confused about who you really are. Instead, aim for consistency and authenticity by sticking with a single voice that feels authentic throughout all of your social media channels.

This doesn’t mean that every post needs to sound exactly alike — in fact, using humor or being serious can help build an interesting persona for your brand — but there should still be some consistency between posts so that people who follow you know what kind of content they can expect from you each time they visit your page or check out one of your posts.

5. Don’t feed the trolls

One of the biggest challenges you may face as a social media marketer is how to deal with negative comments and trolls. It’s important to note that there are two types of trolling on social media: The first is when someone is mean or rude to you in order to provoke a response. The second type is when someone tries to derail your post by commenting about something completely unrelated or unrelated to your brand, perhaps trying to get eyeballs and followers on their own pages.

If you’ve ever posted something on social media and received some nasty comments, you know how demoralizing it can be. You have several options for dealing with trolls, including:

  • Ignore them. As long as their comments are not hateful, inflammatory or vicious, you can ignore the trolls. They will eventually get bored and go away.
  • Block them. This won’t always work because they can create new accounts. But you can always try it as a first step.
  • Hide the user and/or their comments. On some platforms, you can hide comments from view (see this page from Facebook) or hide the user — as on YouTube, where you can hide a user without blocking them. Essentially, any comments they make will go into a void, so they can shout all they want and nobody will hear them. For more on hiding a user or their comments, check on the specifics of each platform.

Engage Authentically to Build Your Brand

If you’re a small-business owner, chances are that you’re using social media to promote your business and build relationships with customers. But if you don’t engage authentically with your followers, you’ll lose their trust and interest.

Engaging with your social media followers is essential for building their trust in your brand. When you engage authentically with your followers, you’re keeping them in the loop about what’s happening in your business. This can help build rapport and strengthen customer relationships.

If you don’t know how to engage authentically, it may seem like a daunting task. Feel free to reach out to us via rallio.com for help creating and managing your social media marketing strategy.

Reputation Social

Align Your Franchise Social Media Marketing Across the Brand

Franchise social media can be a fantastic way to build a community and reach new customers, but it’s still a relatively new marketing platform for many franchise brands. The challenge is that when your franchisees are using social media in their own way, it can lead to inconsistent branding and damage the brand’s reputation. It can also lead to challenges when building a local presence and engaging with these customers, who are used to a different level of service. Here’s how you can align your online presence across all of your social media channels and train franchisees to get their social media marketing aligned across the brand.

Use Technology for Social Media Management

As any business owner can tell you, sharing content across various social channels can be a time-consuming task. Logging in and out of different platforms, coming up with social media content, and engaging with followers is a full-time and one that most businesses don’t have time to tackle. And international franchise businesses that aim to expand their footprint outside of the country may face additional challenges when trying to organize and manage their social media platforms due to language and cultural differences.

By using a social media SaaS platform like Rallio, marketers can manage all aspects of their social media presence from one place. It allows them to schedule posts, monitor analytics, track engagement and more without having to log into multiple platforms every day. It also empowers them to engage directly with customers when they leave comments, post online reviews, and send direct messages to the brand — ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

Related: For 5 Years Running, Rallio Is a Top Franchise Supplier

Keep a Consistent Brand Image

When it comes to franchise social media marketing, important to maintain a consistent brand image even down to the location level so that your brand does not become fractured. In addition to using Rallio’s technology, which allows franchisors to set global permissions based on their needs, there are several ways you can ensure consistency across all your locations:

Identify your key messages and themes

Make sure they are consistent across all social media channels. This will help you be more effective at driving engagement and conversions.

Develop a social media policy

The policy must outline how franchisees and their employees should use social media accounts on behalf of your company, including guidelines on what types of content should be shared, how often, and who has permission to post or upload content on behalf of the business. The policy should also outline what they can’t say or share on social media accounts and explain why these policies exist.

Ensure that each location has its own branded profile pages

This includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other platforms where they’re active. With unique pages, franchisees can show off their own personality through photos and other content and attract local business.

Set up a system for posting content at each location

Whether you hire a third party or create an internal team, make sure there is consistency in the images and messages being posted across all locations. This will help develop brand recognition and allow customers to feel like they know your brand well. It also helps establish trust between your company and customers by fostering consistency across channels.

Keep it local and engaging

It’s important to personalize content depending on what works best in each market or region within your franchise network — whether that means local news, events or weather updates — but don’t forget about developing unique content tailored specifically to each location as well. For example, if one of your locations has a great new chef or menu item, create a post that features the chef and their famous dish.

Build an editorial calendar for content sharing across all channels

Make sure that each piece of content is aligned with your company’s overall voice and tone and offers value to your audience — whether it’s tips for running a successful business or educational resources for customers or prospective employees.

Pay Attention to Customer Care

Social media is a critical medium for franchise brands to strengthen relationships with stakeholders and potential leads in today’s digital economy. It’s important to pay attention to customer care, as many people use social media as a customer service channel. Here are some tips:

Be responsive, but don’t overreact

You should respond quickly, but don’t panic if you aren’t able to answer immediately. Aim to reply to comments, messages and reviews within 24 business hours.

Don’t fear negative feedback

It’s inevitable that you’re going to get some negative comments on social media. And while a lot of people think that if they get negative feedback, their brand will be damaged, it’s actually the opposite! Use it as an opportunity to respond professionally and show everyone you’re able to resolve issues gracefully. You’ll earn your followers’ trust — and hopefully even more sales!

Use the right tone

The tone of your replies should match the flow of the conversation — if someone asks for help or has a complaint, respond in an empathetic tone; if they’re just making small talk, respond casually.

Provide value

Responding with basic information like “I’m sorry” or “Thank you” isn’t enough — you need to provide value by offering actionable advice or resources that will help them solve their problem or make them want to do business with you again.

Align Your Brand and Reap the Rewards

The franchise industry is continually shifting its marketing focus toward social media, and it’s safe to say that it’s going to continue to be a central part of most franchise marketing plans in the future. By investing time in social media and laying the groundwork now, you can build an effective franchise brand on multiple platforms. Social media will likely continue to expand into other digital channels in the future as well, so it pays to be prepared. Contact us at rallio.com to schedule a demo and start taking advantage of having a single platform for all your social media marketing needs.

Reputation Social

Guide to Customer Service on Social Media

It’s safe to say that social media has changed everything — from the way people communicate to the way they buy. Because of this, customer service has become more important than ever, especially on social media channels. As a business owner, it’s imperative that you have a way to provide great customer service on social media, quickly and professionally, because it’s what customers expect.

Not sure where to start? The following guide will help you understand the rise in customer service on social media, develop a plan for responding promptly, increase customer satisfaction, and generate positive engagement with customers. By using our tips, you’ll have an easier time engaging with your audience and coming up with a foolproof way to make sure they’re happy.

The Rise of Customer Service on Social Media

Zendesk reports that 60% of customers think the most important part of good customer support is solving issues quickly. Oftentimes, this means turning to social media channels rather than email or phone support, under the assumption that issues will get resolved in a more timely manner.

So even if your brand doesn’t already have a way to provide customer support through social media, customers could be leaving comments, sending you direct messages, and posting online reviews about your brand. It’s important to pay attention to what they’re saying so you can provide support wherever needed and preserve your brand’s online reputation.

Respond Quickly

The faster you can respond to a customer’s concern, the better off you’ll be — both in terms of keeping your customer happy and demonstrating responsiveness as part of your brand’s value proposition. Responding within an hour or less is ideal during normal business hours. Being responsive also can help to improve your local SEO and search engine rankings.

To account for messages received after hours or on weekends when people are using social media platforms like Facebook Messenger or Instagram DMs, make sure you have auto-responses in place. You’ll need to connect your Instagram Business account to Mega Business Suite to set up auto-replies and away messages. With these messages in place, you can at least let customers know when to expect a response (and hopefully maintain some work-life balance while you’re at it).

Related: Why Reviews Matter and How to Make the Most of Them

Watch Your Language

Yes, this means literally watching what you say, but pay attention to the tone of your responses, grammar, spelling, and the words you choose. Don’t use canned responses; respond with the same voice and tone you would use in person, not a “corporate” voice that might seem stiff and distant. Use names whenever you can, and mention any specifics from their message that lets them know you’re a real person. While it’s smart to use AI technology (aka “bots”) to help address basic questions (more on that next), some questions require real human interaction.

When responding to customers, be polite and honest about what you know or don’t know right away. If it takes more than one response to get all of the information needed, tell the customer upfront that there will be more steps ahead before you can provide them with an answer or resolution to their issue or question — but be sure to let them know when they’ll get their next update from you.

At times, you’ll get customers who are argumentative or confrontational with you. Be as professional as possible to avoid escalating the situation, and be careful not to insult anyone; just address their concerns in a professional manner with no unnecessary rudeness. Also, work to take any conversations offline rather than continuing to post publicly for all the world to see. If necessary, don’t be afraid to let a customer go who clearly isn’t going to be happy no matter what you do.

Use Technology

With social media being such an important tool for customer service and marketing, it’s important to make sure that your company has the right tools in place so that you can answer questions quickly and easily. Here are some ways that you can use technology to help manage the support process.

  • Use a tool like Rallio for all your social media management needs. Rallio not only lets you schedule out posts in advance but also pulls in all your social comments and engagements as well as reviews from connected platforms. You’ll have everything in one dashboard and set up notifications so you’re alerted when there’s a new comment, message or review so you don’t miss anything important.
  • Incorporate AI into your website to make it easier for people to get answers to FAQ and get help when they need it. You can integrate your chatbot with a customer support platform like Zendesk or Freshdesk to help with managing the support process. This can help to keep some of the support issues off of social media and more contained with your support team.
  • Automate the process as much as you can by using auto-responses, as discussed above. Create templates for responding to reviews that can be customized according to the situation by adding names and more personalization. This makes it easier to delegate review responses to your team so nobody has to reinvent the wheel on standard customer responses.

Be Proactive

Brand engagement is about building relationships with customers and potential customers. If you’re engaging with your audience on social media, you’re more likely to be seen as a brand that cares about its customers, which can improve your brand image. With that in mind, it’s a best practice to post highly engaging, local content that reveals your brand personality.

In other words, don’t post boring content!

The goal of brand engagement is to make it easy for people to interact with your business and feel like they’re part of the community. This isn’t just about posting photos of your products — it’s about being an active member of the community and sharing relevant photos and videos or useful information that will interest your followers. You’ll find that with a highly engaged community, even negative comments don’t go far. In fact, people are likely to stick up for you even if a negative comment makes its way onto your page!

Final Thoughts

If you provide excellent service, people will want to share their experiences with others. Some companies have even built entire brands around the idea that people will buy from them because of the way they treat customers on social media.

There are no shortcuts to building an amazing business on social media, but the effort is worth it! The rewards of having happy customers and a great reputation can compound into a powerful marketing force for years to come. So, when the opportunity presents itself, take the time to provide your customers with exceptional customer service on social media, and you will reap the rewards in the long run.


Why Reviews Matter and How to Make the Most of Them

Online reviews have been around since the dawn of the internet — it seems that people have always had opinions they want to share. But it’s only recently that they’ve become more important — and more visible — than ever, especially for business owners. Reviews are especially crucial now because of social media and our dependence on digital word of mouth. If you’re wondering why reviews matter, consider how people search for things online: they often look for other people’s recommendations or experiences in their search results before making a purchase decision. 

This presents both challenges and opportunities for business owners, who are charged with constantly monitoring and responding to online reviews so as not to leave any feedback unaddressed. In the following guide, we walk you through the many ways that online reviews matter and how businesses can make the most of them to drive local business.

Why Online Reviews Matter

Reviews are a crucial part of both the online shopping experience and the ability to drive traffic to your brick-and-mortar location. A whopping 92% of consumers will think twice about buying a product if there are no reviews left by customers. And an even higher percentage, 97%, say that customer reviews influence their purchasing decisions.

This is why it’s critical not only to have customer reviews for your business but also to ensure that every review is handled appropriately. Having positive reviews helps you build credibility and trust with your audience, which can lead to more sales and conversions. In addition, should you ever receive a negative review, responding in a professional manner demonstrates that you are willing to resolve issues quickly.

Like it or not, customer reviews are the lifeblood of your business. They make up the bulk of the information people use to make buying decisions, and they help you build a reputation as an expert in your field. Having a system in place to view and respond to all of your customer reviews ensures that no customer is left hanging and you’re able to capitalize on opportunities to thank your customers for their business.

How Online Reviews Impact SEO

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), the goal is to get your website ranked higher in the search engines. The higher you rank, the more traffic you can expect from users searching for relevant keywords. But did you know that Google ratings and reviews can also affect your SEO? It’s true! If you’re not taking advantage of this powerful tool, then you’re missing out on a great opportunity to boost your site’s visibility. Online reviews are vital to your SEO strategy, impacting your business in several key areas, which we’ll dive into below.

Online reviews influence customers’ purchasing decisions

In today’s digital age, online reviews are one of the most influential factors in shaping consumer behavior and have transformed the way people make purchase decisions. Additional data suggests 91% of people read online reviews regularly, and 84% of users report trusting online reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends or family.

So how does Google come into play here? Google is the review site of choice: According to multiple online reviews statistics and ReviewTrackers data, over 63% of consumers say they are likely to check Google reviews more than any other review site. Not only do they check them, but they are more likely to click through and make a purchasing decision based on the Google reviews they read. 

They affect search engine rankings for your business

Moreover, Google views online reviews as a sign that your business is worthy of appearing in search engine results. If your brand consistently gets 4.5+ stars and a higher number of reviews than competing sites, it’s more likely that Google will favor your business in search engine results pages (SERPs). 

In other words, your reviews determine, in part, how high you rank in search engine results pages — and the higher your rankings, the greater your social trust, which leads to further lead generation. Although reviews are not necessarily a part of Google’s ranking algorithm, they do influence search results, primarily through:

  • Map searches. When people search for businesses nearby, Google Maps displays the “highest rated” results first. This means that ratings and reviews can impact whether or not Google deems a business to be relevant and shows it prominently in results featuring nearby businesses.
  • Mobile search. Google accounts for average ratings and reviews counts when displaying results for mobile searches.
  • Local carousel. Ratings and reviews may impact a business’s position in the carousel, which is the horizontal row of images at the top of search results.

In short, Google reviews are a powerful component of search engine rankings, conversions, and lead generation that you cannot afford to ignore.

Related: The Benefits of Reviews for Local SEO

Benefits of Online Reviews for Businesses 

Reviews are a great way for businesses to increase their visibility and build trust with potential customers. They’re also a valuable source of information for consumers. Below are just some of the potential benefits of having a steady stream of online reviews and why you need to be paying attention to them.

You’ll get valuable feedback

While there are occasionally customers who decide they have a bone to pick even with businesses that provide stellar products and services, many online reviewers actually provide insights that you can use to better your business. As you read your reviews, you’ll get a better picture of what the general perception of your company is, understand where to improve, and find out what customers are loving that you could highlight even more in your marketing or use as positive feedback for your team members.

You’ll build trust with potential customers

When you have a growing collection of positive reviews, it will make it easier for customers to trust you. Think about the last time you went searching for a certain new local business: Were you more likely to trust the businesses that had several 4- and 5-star reviews and appeared high up in search results over any business with few reviews and farther down the search rankings? In fact, did you even bother to look at any business that didn’t appear at the top of the list with glowing reviews?

It’s free advertising

The more people see your company’s name at the top of search results, the greater your brand awareness will be. It’s essentially free advertising when customers leave online reviews, and even more so when you engage with your reviewers, thank them for their feedback, and demonstrate you’re a responsive business that cares about its customers.

You’ll boost your rankings

As discussed previously, reviews influence search engine results by enabling your business to rank higher the more often your business is mentioned online, which in turn leads to higher conversions and more leads.

You can increase sales through social proof

According to a Search Engine Land report, businesses with more reviews generate 54% more revenue. Furthermore, those with more than the average number of reviews bring in 82% more in annual revenue than businesses with a below-average review quantity. In part, the increased revenue is due to businesses having claimed their Google Business Profile and other listings across the web; Search Engine Land reports that businesses that didn’t claim their listings averaged $72,000 less in annual revenue. It’s also due to consumers’ inclination to buy from businesses that respond to their reviews, perhaps under the assumption that such businesses provide better service.

Businesses that take things a step further can bolster sales even more by showcasing positive comments from customers. This can be done by displaying star ratings, reviews, and testimonials on your website, in email marketing campaigns, or on social media pages.

Best Practices and Tips to Maximize Reviews

Online reviews have a significant impact on consumer behavior — in fact, customers trust other customers more than they trust brands. So if you want to win over new buyers, you need to encourage current customers to leave reviews on your products or services and then follow up with every piece of feedback. Here are some tips to make the most of online reviews for your business.

Respond to all reviews

According to a Bright Local survey, 89% of consumers read businesses’ responses to reviews. When writing a response, personalize it with a name if available, acknowledge what the customer wrote, and add remarks if steps will be taken internally. See negative review responses as an opportunity to rebuild trust with your audience. Why?

Input keywords in your review responses

Your customers’ reviews will sometimes contain keywords, but responding gives you the chance to ensure Google knows exactly what your business is about. Relevant keywords to consider in your review responses include:

  • Business name
  • Location
  • Keywords related to the products or services you sell; use a keyword analysis tool to find keywords for which you want to rank

Know when to ask customers to leave you a review

Every sale is an opportunity to ask for online reviews, not only at the point of sale but afterwards. Here are some optimal times to ask: 

  • After a purchase
  • After a product has been delivered
  • When a customer re-purchases or re-orders
  • After a customer tags your brand on social media
  • When customers are browsing your site for other products/services
  • If they refer another customer
  • Before a customer walks out the door

Share reviews to other social networks

When you get a glowing review, share it online! It just makes sense that you should spread the good news and share what others are saying about your work. Here at Rallio, we always talk about the importance of getting more local content out on your pages, and this is a great and easy way to do so! Just copy and paste somebody’s 5-star review, put it in a template, post it on your social profiles, and watch the great engagement flow in.

Keep your information on review sites up to date

Update your social and review profiles and business listings so consumers can always find up-to-date, correct, and consistent information for your business. Rallio’s Business Listing service makes it easy to update all of your information across the web in seconds.

Learn more: Why Your Online Reviews Are More Important Than Ever

Take Care of Your Reviews, and They’ll Take Care of You

It’s easier than ever for consumers to post an honest review about their experiences with your company, and you’ll find that if you just ask, most people are happy to provide feedback. By being proactive with customers and asking for reviews, you can often head off problems before they get published online while also seizing the opportunity to highlight customers’ positive experiences.

Positive reviews are so important for any business owner or marketer aiming to increase sales with online marketing efforts, connect with their customers, and build a thriving local business where customers are eagerly coming through their doors. With Rallio’s technology continually pulling reviews into your dashboard, you’ll always know what customers are saying about you — and always have an opportunity to thank them for their business.


The Benefits of Reviews for Local SEO

In today’s digital age, online reviews are one of the best ways to get your business found, and they’re also an extension of your brand. Reviews can be a great way to gain exposure, trust, and credibility with potential customers, as they are often the first thing potential customers see when they search for businesses like yours on Google. In fact, local SEO can greatly influence whether people click through to your website and trust you enough to buy from you.

Over the last several years, local search has become one of the most influential factors in the lead generation process. Imagine you were planning a trip to Scandinavia over the holidays and you were on Google.com looking for information about Scandinavian events and activities happening around Christmastime. You may notice that Google has localized its results for certain queries that are more specific about location, like hotels or restaurants. This is called local search, and it is quickly becoming a fundamental part of every marketer’s arsenal.

For businesses that rely on positive online reviews to boost their local search results, it’s clear that more and more people are going online not only to share their experiences but also to find information about businesses, products, services, and more. There’s no denying that having your business appear in local search results with positive reviews is an extremely effective way to attract new customers, retain those you have, and pull ahead of your competitors in terms of search rankings. Obviously, the flip side of all this is the risk of negative reviews, but these can often work in your favor if you respond in the right way. Read on to learn more about local SEO and how it can help your business.

Do Reviews Help With Rankings and Local SEO?

Yes! While there are a lot of factors involved in search rankings, online customer reviews can be a strong signal to search engines that communicates trustworthiness and authority. Search engines love online reviews for one primary reason: Consumers rely heavily on online reviews to make buying decisions.

Customer reviews, both positive and negative, are factored into the algorithm that Google uses to determine how it ranks local businesses. Google wants to show the best companies to their searchers, and reviews are a reasonable differentiator. As part of this process, Google looks at the quantity, quality, frequency, and recency of online reviews.

Indeed, businesses that consistently get a large number of high-star ratings and reviews are likely to get more consideration from popular search engines. According to a study, the fifth most significant parameter that determines the rank of a business is online reviews. As of 2017, the impact of Google reviews on SEO is increasing by over 20% year over year. Since more and more customers use online reviews to make informed purchase decisions, this percentage is only going to rise.

Related: Responding to Online Reviews in 3 Easy Steps

responding to online reviews

Why Do Reviews Help With Local SEO?

Reviews are an important part of the customer journey when it comes to making purchasing decisions online. Customers need to know how others feel about the products or services you provide before they can make up their own minds about whether or not to do business with you.

What’s more, Google uses customer reviews to determine if a website is spammy and should be removed from search results because it doesn’t offer any value to users. Google also depends on signals such as reviews to decide whether a site is worth high rankings. When a customer reviews your business, either positively or negatively, this tells Google that not only is your business a real, legitimate operation but also that other people have interacted with it and their feedback can help future potential customers make decisions. 

If you want to stay ahead of the competition in terms of search engine optimization (SEO), then it’s essential you encourage your customers to leave feedback online about their experiences at your business.

Learn how to get more online reviews with Revv: Case Study: How REVV Accelerates Positive Online Reviews

What Type of Review Categories Affect Rankings?

While many different factors come into play with SEO, the following categories are the primary influencers of a site’s search engine rankings as they relate to reviews.

Review Quantity

Review quantity simply refers to the number of reviews your Google Business Page has. Google loves to see a business with a lot of reviews. The more reviews you have, the higher you can rank in search engine results. 

For example, if two businesses have a 4.9 star rating but one has 30 reviews and the other has 200 reviews, the consumer is likely going to choose the one with 200 reviews. Because of this psychology of the business “proving its worth,” Google ranks them a little higher. As such, having the most reviews (with a positive overall rating) in your industry is an easy way to position yourself as the most attractive choice.

Review Velocity

Review velocity refers to the flow of consistent reviews coming into your business. If you’re actively getting reviews on your business page, it shows Google that you’re taking it seriously and likely a legitimate business to recommend its users to.

Recency is important, too. According to a study done by BrightLocal, 73% of people find reviews over three months old to be no longer a useful representation of the business.

Positive Sentiment

If your reviewers are raving about your service and employees, using words like “best,” “great,” and “very happy,” Google will be inclined to believe that you’re doing a pretty good job. If Google believes you’re doing a good job based on the word of your past customers, they’ll reward you with higher rankings in the local pack.

On the flip side, just as a positive sentiment helps your ranking, if your reviewers are consistently using negative language to describe your business, this will hurt your positioning.

Responding to Reviews

Google encourages people to respond to their reviews and rewards businesses that do. But also, the text of your response is included in the total word pool for search term matches. This means you can craft your responses to include useful keywords for SEO.

Online Reviews Matter More Than You Think

The value of online reviews is undisputed; every local business with an online presence, from small boutiques to major franchises, relies on reviews for an online marketing advantage. Online review sites like Yelp, Google, TripAdvisor, and so many more allow local businesses to provide consumers with essential insider info and help a customer pick the right business based on other customers’ experiences. Ultimately, this will ensure that the customer is satisfied, they stick around longer, and they return for future business. In turn, these reviews show Google that you are a responsive, thriving business that cares about its customers and are worthy of the search giant’s stamp of approval. 

Not only do reviews keep you connected with your customers and improve your business, but they boost your search rankings and help new customers find your business. For businesses hoping to pull ahead of their competition, you simply cannot afford to overlook online reviews as a key component of your digital marketing strategy. For more help managing, optimizing and responding to your online reviews, contact us at Rallio.


3 Ways Social Media Impacts Reputation Management

At any given moment, conversations may be happening about your brand online (both positive and negative). Some of those conversations could be happening on dedicated review platforms, but others might appear on social media — maybe even right on your own page. At times, you might feel like your reputation management is out of your hands.

It’s understandable why you’d feel that way, given that social media is more than just a place to post funny memes or videos. Nowadays, it also serves as a customer service channel, a place to give and receive product recommendations, and a means to express both joy and frustration about a brand. And ultimately, these types of third-party reviews fuel buying decisions. A few noteworthy stats:

  • 91% of consumers are more likely to do business with companies that have positive reviews
  • The average consumer reads 10 reviews before placing trust in a local business
  • 32% of people will visit a company’s website, and 16% will visit the business itself, after reading positive reviews

While it can feel like your reputation is out of your control, nothing could be further from the truth. Pay attention to the subtle ways social media impacts your online reputation, and with focused effort (plus our technology to help you manage the process), you’ll be able to amplify your brand’s positive online presence.

In addition, Rallio’s technologies can help you better manage and monitor your brand’s reputation. 

At Rallio, we’ve built our social media SaaS platform and our Revv review accelerator with an eye toward brand reputation management. We’ve customized solutions for many different clients to help them build a positive online reputation and mitigate the impact of any negative customer feedback.

Be sure to read the following “mini case studies,” where we’ve rounded up key insights gathered as a result of clients using either our Rallio dashboard or our Revv technology to manage their brand reputation.

Mini Case Studies: 3 Powerful Ways Our Technology Boosts Brand Reputation

#1: Employee-Generated Content

It only takes one employee posting a controversial meme, hashtag, photo or video to bring down a brand. If the content is in poor taste and they mention your company’s handle or business name, it’s going to reflect badly on your brand online.

One way to avoid this problem is to create a social media policy and distribute it to employees. Make it clear what they can and cannot post in relation to your company.

Also, using Our Activate platform will allow you to distribute brand-approved content to your employees, as well as reward them for posting on your behalf. With the right controls and guidance in place, plus employees who are on board with your protocols, reputation management becomes much easier.

#2: Customer Feedback

As a business owner, you must take into account how your customers are discussing your brand online. As the business owner, it’s important that you address complaints appropriately and promptly. 

The Rallio Dashboard pulls your online reviews into one central location so you can view and respond to them, either within the Rallio platform or on the review platform itself. However, online reviews aren’t the only thing to monitor. Our dashboard also pulls in social comments and messages so you can quickly reply to customers’ comments, questions or complaints.

Better still, get proactive by collecting more positive reviews. With our Revv app, a simple one-question post-sale survey is sent to recent customers immediately after a sale. When customers respond positively, they are prompted to leave a review and linked directly to that store’s review platform of choice. With negative feedback, they can be prompted to leave a comment and request further assistance so you can contact them directly.

Read our article Responding to Online Reviews in 3 Easy Steps to learn more about navigating online reviews.

#3: Post Authenticity

If your social media content tends to be overly promotional or mostly stock photos, your audience will view you as inauthentic. Without realizing it, you could be building a reputation as a brand that only cares about sales, or that doesn’t have anything original to say.

Instead, create a sense of trust by posting authentic content — real photos and videos that show the human side of your brand. You’re more likely to build a social media following and capture your audience’s attention by posting and sharing content that shows your team members, customers and community. You’ll also be able to create a dialogue with your followers as they engage with your content.

Social Media and Reputation Management Go Hand in Hand

You can’t practice reputation management properly without considering how social media impacts your brand image. Take control by integrating our technologies into your processes, and leave some of the heavy lifting of reputation management to us. Contact us at sales@rallio.com to learn more.


Mini Case Studies: 3 Powerful Ways Our Technology Boosts Brand Reputation

Businesses today can’t have a conversation about brand reputation without considering their online presence. Reputation management continues to be a critical component of online marketing today; in 2020 alone, an estimated 87% of consumers read reviews online for local businesses, up 6% from the previous year. 

That’s why it’s so important to get a handle on your online reviews. Whether or not you’re paying attention to them, online reviews are happening — as people increasingly take to online review platforms and social media channels to handle customer service issues. 

At Rallio, we’ve built our social media SaaS platform and our Revv review accelerator with an eye toward brand reputation management. We’ve customized solutions for many different clients to help them build a positive online reputation and mitigate the impact of any negative customer feedback.

In the following “mini case studies,” we’ve rounded up key insights gathered as a result of clients using either our Rallio dashboard or our Revv technology to manage their brand reputation.

Related: Responding to Online Reviews in 3 Easy Steps

Increased Online Reviews

With Revv, a simple one-question post-sale survey is sent to recent customers immediately after a sale. Our clients are able to gather instant feedback and turn it into actionable insights. 

When customers respond positively, they are prompted to leave a review and linked directly to that store’s review platform of choice. With negative feedback, they can be prompted to leave a comment and request further assistance.

With REVV, our clients see their positive reviews increase on review platforms and their overall brand reputation enhanced. Meanwhile, they are able to respond promptly to negative feedback and avoid having a negative review posted online. Clients can also tie Revv into their POS system and customize reviews according to the sale of specific products or services.


  • One home health-care provider integrated a review link on their website tied into the Revv system. As a result, the brand experienced over a 600% increase in their online reviews over time. Their average star rating, an indicator of their brand reputation, also increased from 4.1 to 4.8.  
  • One wireless service provider launched Revv and saw an immediate increase not only in the number of reviews, but also the overall brand reputation ratings. In comparing the average number of positive Google reviews per month before and after launching, Revv produced a 550% increase in their reviews. After six months of using Revv, all of their locations were rated over a 4.0.
  • A 60-unit Verizon brand was averaging two reviews per month, per location, with a total review count per store of 23 and an average rating of 4.1. Following the Revv integration, their reviews skyrocketed, with the rate of reviews per month jumping to an astounding 1,850 and an average rating of 4.8. Meanwhile, their percent of negative reviews dropped from 14% to 4%.
  • A pet supply retailer customized surveys to ask specific questions about customers’ overall experience, interactions with team members, and availability of products. With one survey, of the 774 surveys sent, an incredible 758 were completed.

Related: Case Study: How REVV Accelerates Positive Online Reviews

Online Review Management

One client, a commercial and residential restoration and cleaning service franchisor, has experienced great success in using the Rallio Dashboard to manage their online reviews. The Rallio Dashboard pulls in location-specific reviews from major review platforms. Franchisees can view each review and either respond directly from within the Rallio platform, or respond within the review platform itself.


  • The brand saw 1,810 new net reviews on Facebook, Google and Yelp
  • Online reviews increased 32% from the previous year
  • The brand-wide review response rate reached 42%, up 25% from 2019

Follower & Engagement Growth Tracking

In addition to review response management, the Rallio dashboard enables both franchisors and franchisees to publish posts, as well as view and respond to direct messages and social engagements. With one centralized platform and a single login for all of their social media accounts, they are able to stay consistent with their social media marketing efforts.


  • In 2020, the same commercial and residential restoration and cleaning provider saw their brand-wide social media following exceed 21K, up 46% from 2019
  • Their brand-wide social media daily engagement reached 249 engagements per day, up 42% from 2019

What’s the Right Brand Reputation Management Solution for You?

You don’t have to choose between the Rallio Dashboard and Revv to manage your online reputation. Integrate both solutions to gain a 360-degree view of your online reviews, social media engagements, direct messages, and customer sentiment over time. To learn more about each solution, book a call with one of our reputation management pros here.

Reputation Social

Top 4 Social Media Trends for 2022

It’s hard to believe, but the new year isn’t too far away. Now is the time to look at the top social media trends we can expect to see in 2022. A good place to start is by looking back at the blur of a year we’ve had thus far.

Look to the Past to Predict the Top Social Media Trends

When the pandemic first hit, businesses were forced to pivot in the face of lockdowns, local mandates, and an overall seismic shift to business as usual. Franchisees and other small-business owners that relied on a physical presence, as opposed to online operations, quickly discovered they had to implement major changes in order to survive and continue thriving. 

Those that refused to shift, or that perhaps had no means to implement rapid changes, may have learned hard lessons about business continuity in the face of a crisis. Some have had to close their doors permanently. Some are still struggling to get back to pre-pandemic revenue levels. Still others have been able to make positive changes that are now contributing to their bottom line.

With the pandemic still ongoing, it’s important to stay agile. Take a look at the top social media trends you can expect to see in 2022 and beyond, and continue your efforts to prepare for any unexpected twists and turns. 

Related: Build Your Perfect Social Media Program With Rallio A-La-Carte

social media program

#1: Digital Options Will Continue to Grow

Businesses that have implemented curbside and delivery pickup options were able to continue operating even if in-store traffic dipped. Although these contactless services might have thwarted efforts to attract impulse purchases in store aisles and at the checkout, they’ve also created new lines of business. 

Think of it this way: If your customer wants to place an order from your sandwich shop, they expect they’ll be able to place an order online or through an app. They want a seamless pickup or delivery experience. They don’t necessarily care about the extra bag of chips at the cash wrap.

If they can’t order how they want to order, they’ll move on to the next sandwich shop. You’ll have lost a sale while your competitor gained a customer.

The takeaway: Give customers what they want through digital ordering. And promote your easy ordering options on social media. Not only will you better serve your current customers, but you’ll most likely gain new ones, too.

Rallio product: Post Creative. If posting is falling to the bottom of your priority list, leave the weekly posting to a Rallio professional. A Rallio social media professional will create up to four unique posts per week for your social pages.

#2: Your Online Reputation Is Key

Along with digital ordering options, people are more inclined to leave online reviews when they have either a positive or negative experience. Expect that trend to continue ramping up in 2022. 

In addition to online reviews, usage of social media as a customer service channel will continue to grow. Customers and followers might interact with your page via comments and direct messages, and you need to reply to them all. When you respond to customer feedback, you show you’re listening and care about what your audience needs. 

Without that interaction, customer comments and messages go into a black hole, leaving them feeling neglected — maybe even inclined to complain about you elsewhere online.

The takeaway: Be in the know about what your customers are saying. Even positive comments need a response, but especially negative comments require your immediate attention.

Rallio product: Online Reputation Bundle. A Rallio social media expert will ensure all of your online reviews on Facebook, Google and Yelp are responded to within 24 business hours. Plus, a Rallio social media expert will ensure all your Facebook and Instagram comments and messages are engaged with within 24 business hours.

online reputation management

#3: Video Remains Popular

Even though in-person experiences are starting to return, there’s still an opportunity to go online with your events, classes, tours, how-to explainers, and other video and live content. With virtual formats, you can connect with audiences just about anywhere while also catching the attention of social media users who gravitate to videos as they’re scrolling. 

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram make it easy with Stores, Reels and live streaming. Even if your business is mainly brick-and-mortar, these videos can help to draw in your online visitors and attract people to your location.

 You don’t have to be a videographer to get into video. Take out your phone and film a 30-second video of you giving a tour of your shop, or a how-to video for your homemade cinnamon rolls, or a series of workouts for your personal training business. Boost the high-performing posts with a few ad dollars, and improve your reach.

The takeaway: Video is here to stay, and you need to get on board. 

Rallio Product: Premium Bundle. With this bundle, your entire social media marketing efforts will be handled by a Rallio Social Strategist, including weekly boosting.

#4: Advocacy Is More Important Than Ever

New Apple privacy changes are making it harder to track customers across apps and gain insights from third-party data. One way to combat the changes is by looking toward other social media marketing methods that don’t rely on tracking.

Employee advocacy is one such method. With advocacy, your employees do some of the work to promote your brand by either posting your branded content, or simply posting about your business, on their own pages. 

People are more likely to trust the recommendation of a third party over the brand itself, meaning there’s a huge opportunity to integrate advocacy and influencers into your strategy.

Try spotlighting employees on social media and engaging them in the process of posting. Provide brand-approved content, and encourage them to share their own photos and videos about your business. You can also work with micro-influencers who have a smaller following and will share about your brand on their channels.

The takeaway: Activate your employees as your best brand ambassadors.

Rallio product: Rallio Activate. Leverage the power of your employees to reach your customers like never before. With Rallio Activate, your employees become your built-in brand ambassadors. Create reward programs to your exact specifications, and incentivize your workforce to submit their own images and videos for brand content or share your message across their own pages.

We’ll continue to update this page as we see more trends unfold closer to 2022. For now, however, implement the strategies above — and reach out to us for help getting it all done.


Responding to Online Reviews in 3 Easy Steps

At times, you might find yourself staring at a new online review, wondering how to respond to your customer. Sometimes, the response will come easily, like when a customer leaves glowing feedback about your product or service. Other times, you might find yourself responding to online reviews that are more negative — and trying to oh-so-delicately approach the topic and smooth things over so you don’t further aggravate your customer.

In any case, responding to online reviews is a crucial element of your online marketing efforts. Not only does it improve your search rankings, but it also shows your customers you’re a business owner who cares about your customers’ needs.

Sometimes, it helps to bring a little humor into the task, and there’s nobody more up for the job than our own lovable canine friend, Roscoe. In this episode of Social Spots, Roscoe gives us some tips on responding to online reviews — and kicks it back to his glory days in the ’90s. Give it a watch to start responding to online reviews like the pro that you are, and see the summary of Roscoe’s tips below anytime you need a refresher.

#1: Never Ignore a Positive Interaction

If you were talking to someone in real life and they gave you a compliment, would you thank them and show your appreciation for their kind words? Hopefully, your answer is yes, and you should apply the same philosophy to responding to online reviews.

Let’s say a customer posts an online review stating that you have friendly customer service, you always have a large selection of products, and they go out of their way to shop with you just because they love your store so much. As a busy business owner, you might either miss this online review because you’re not paying attention to the review platforms, or you might think it’s not necessary to respond to your customer because the feedback is positive.

Let us be the first to tell you that in both cases, you’re not doing yourself any favors. Even if you’re not paying attention to your online reviews, they’re still happening. It’s common for customers to take to online platforms to give feedback about a business. 

Also, in the same way you wouldn’t ignore a compliment in real life, you shouldn’t ignore a positive engagement with a customer, either. A simple “Thank you for the nice review” is better than nothing, but if you really want to step things up, try something a little more personal, such as: “Thank you for taking the time to leave such a great review. We love seeing you in our store so frequently, especially when you bring your sweet daughter along for the trip! We can’t wait to see you again soon!”

Related: Don’t Feed the Internet Trolls: 3 Ways to Handle Negative Online Engagements 

#2: Admit Your Mistakes

If someone had a real issue with your products or services or their in-store shopping experience, it’s imperative that you address the problem and try to make it right. Rather than react with anger or frustration, keep a cool head and respond with professionalism.

No response at all is also not a good strategy for responding to online reviews. A negative online review needs your attention just as much as a positive online review. Even if you disagree with the customer, you need to show the world you’re willing to listen and remedy the situation.

The best-case scenario is if you can take the conversation offline rather than hash things out publicly. Let your customer know how to direct-message, email or call you or someone on your team, and tell them you’re happy to discuss the matter in further detail. 

Also, feel free to correct any misinformation the customer may have posted (again, with professionalism). For example, if they said your store doesn’t carry a certain product and you know for certain that you do, you can say something like: 

“We actually have a large inventory of XYZ product, and we’d love for you to come by and take a second look! Would you like me to set one aside for you? As a thank-you for your troubles, please mention this message for 10% off your entire order.” (Oh, and make sure your entire team is in on the discount offer so they can apply it at checkout and not cause another negative experience!)

Related: John Bronze in Code Revv

#3 Stay Cool

This tip comes directly from Roscoe himself. There’s nothing worse than coming across as rude, impatient, unfriendly or short-tempered with a customer — even if that’s the way they interacted with you. Considering that online reviews can live in perpetuity long after you’ve posted a response, you need to make sure you keep a cool head.

If you’re ever unsure whether you’re responding to online reviews effectively, ask yourself, “What would Roscoe do?” And of course, we’re always happy to help here at Rallio. Our Rallio Local team can handle all of your online reviews if you’d like, and our Revv reputation accelerator platform helps you get more positive online reviews while discouraging negative online reviews.

Want to learn more about how our technology can help when responding to online reviews? Head over to our rallio.com to request a demo, or book a call here.

Related: Now Introducing: Rallio Local a la Carte Social Media Services

Case studies Reputation

Case Study: How REVV Accelerates Positive Online Reviews

Here at Rallio, we have a number of different product and service lines available to help our clients manage and scale their businesses online, as well as manage their online reputation. One such product is REVV, an innovative service designed to help businesses increase their positive online reviews and reduce negative reviews — all while improving their overall online reputation for their brand.

About REVV and Online Reviews

Through a simple one-question post-sale survey sent to recent customers immediately after a sale, our clients are able to gather instant feedback and turn it into actionable insights. When customers respond positively, they are prompted to leave a review and linked directly to that store’s review platform of choice. 

If a customer responds to a survey with a rating of 3 or below, they will be prompted to leave a comment and request further assistance. Your team is alerted via email of the poor experience, and the customer can be contacted directly before they post a negative social review about your company. 

With REVV, our clients see their positive reviews increase on review platforms and their overall brand reputation enhanced. Meanwhile, they are able to respond promptly to negative feedback and avoid having a negative review posted online. 

In addition, robust analytics let you see how your customers rate your business. View your brand reputation by sales rep, store, market or region, and watch your brand sentiment increase over time.

The system becomes even more powerful when it’s tied into a POS system so that post-sale surveys can be customized according to the sale. The platform has been well-received across several wireless service providers that have integrated REVV with iQmetrix, a POS system, to quickly and efficiently gather post-sale feedback and amplify their positive online reviews. Below, we’ve included a case study of one such wireless service provider, Wireless World, a Verizon authorized retailer.

Related: 3 Tips for Responding to Your Online Reviews: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


Wireless World began using the REVV platform in August 2019. Prior to the REVV activation, Wireless World did not have a system in place to generate reviews. With REVV, they were able to boost their number of reviews with a streamlined and automated process that was easy to implement and produced results quickly.


Through the POS integration, the REVV platform calls the database every 30 minutes to identify recent purchases, then automatically sends those customers a personalized text message asking them to rate their experience. The system was set to send the survey to any customer with a purchase of $20 or more. 


Once the REVV platform was launched, there was an immediate increase in not only the number of reviews, but also the overall brand reputation ratings. The monthly number of reviews rose over the course of their REVV activation. In comparing the average number of positive Google reviews per month before and after launching, REVV produced a 550% increase in their reviews. 

Before Wireless World started using REVV, 20% of their scores had an average rating of 3.9 or below — and 80% of consumers say they have more trust for businesses with a rating over 4.0. After six months of using REVV, all of Wireless World’s locations were rated over a 4.0, with a current average of a 4.8. While the average wireless retailer generates less than two positive reviews per month per location, Wireless World averages an incredible 20 reviews per month per location.

Wireless World’s results are just one example of successful REVV integrations:

  • Before REVV was implemented for a 10-location franchise, ZAGG, the organization was only generating on average about 10 reviews per month across all their locations, with an average rating of 2.9. After their first full month using REVV, ZAGG had generated an incredible 600 positive online reviews and an average review score of 4.9.
  • Cellular Plus, a 60-unit Verizon brand, was averaging two reviews per month, per location, with a total review count per store of 23 and an average rating of 4.1. Following the REVV integration, their reviews skyrocketed, with the rate of reviews per month jumping to an astounding 1,850 and an average rating of 4.8. Meanwhile, their percent of negative reviews dropped from 14% to 4%.

Related: Don’t Feed the Internet Trolls: 3 Ways to Handle Negative Online Engagements

An Interview With Wireless World

In looking at the results of the REVV integration, Kerri Stokes of Wireless World notes the importance of having positive online reviews and the ease of obtaining them through the REVV platform.

As a retailer, why is it important to your business to have positive reviews? 

Any type of review by a guest is crucial because that’s what everyone is seeing online to make their purchasing decisions. It was difficult to get reviews organically. While you obviously can’t solicit for them. 

Before implementing REVV, how were you managing your reviews? 

Before starting REVV we were managing them through google my business. It was as much as we could do. but it’s much better now with REVV. We advised our reps to ask for reviews but they would feel weird asking customer for them. I kept trying to coach them that it;s not an awful thing that if you know you’ve had a great experience with a guest to say hey we’d appreciate your review online. We also tried POS Flyers or QR codes for people to leave us a review but they were never really utilized. 

How would you describe your company’s online reputation before REVV? 

I don’t think that our reputation was bad, but we didn’t have that many reviews at our locations. Not a lot of people think of leaving a review unless they are prompted. For me personally, I think about reviews, but most consumers don’t. 

What is the biggest challenge you faced when trying to generate reviews before REVV? 

Getting customers to leave a review organically is so hard to do. With one or two locations, you can really focus on it, but it’s so hard to manage it with 45 locations and that many sales reps. Really getting the volume of reviews was the biggest challenge. 

What kind of results have you experienced while using REVV? 

I do keep track of reviews every month, and it’s absolutely huge. The amount of reviews we’re getting every month, we’re extremely happy with. And being able to track our ratings. I like to track how many surveys we’re getting and our survey rating. Our in-store survey rating is higher than the actual review rating. 

How did you roll out Revv to your team, and how do you measure and track your success? 

We used REVV to point out the highest achievers. Every month we appoint a “guest experience champion,” and that’s based on the employee with the highest rating for the month and the highest number of surveys. 

What do you like best about the REVV platform integration? 

What I like best is that I don’t have to do anything. I just know it’s done. REVV is the easiest platform that I use because it just works seamlessly. I know when I need to run a report that it’s there. The texts go to the customers automatically. I’ve had zero problems with it. It’s just super easy. 

What process do you have in place to respond to your customer reviews? 

We use the Rallio platform to respond to and manage our reviews online.

Would you recommend this service to other wireless retailers? 

Hands down absolutely would recommend it if you want to just completely increase the number of your online reviews plus get good feedback internally, even when the customer doesn’t have a good experience. Just the internal feedback is great. I’d also recommend it because of the seamless integration and ease of use.

To find out more about REVV and how it can help you boost positive online reviews while curtailing negative public feedback, click here.